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Writer's pictureMichelle Francis

Finding Purpose in Life After 50 – What’s Your Next Chapter?

Life Coach and Finances

“Several years ago, I found myself swimming upstream, slowly drowning in the discontent of my career, the loneliness of an empty nest, the despair of losing a parent, and being in unfulfilled relationships. I suffered in silence for too long, thinking I was the only one experiencing sadness, confusion, and a loss of purpose.”

If you’re struggling to find purpose in life after 50, these words probably sound familiar to you. It’s why Linda Galambos decided to switch gears to become a seasoned Life Coach when she found herself in her 50s with an empty nest and no life purpose.


She’s passionate about guiding individuals, particularly in midlife, to recreate their lives into something they truly love. She recognizes the common barriers individuals face, such as staying within their comfort zones or succumbing to the limiting beliefs imposed by society or their own fears.


Because I work with clients who want to find purpose in life after 50, I was excited to interview her to learn more about her unique approach to coaching based on her life and work experience.

Life After 50 Presents Challenges to Most People, but Women in Particular


What happens when we reach a point in life where things take a drastic turn into uncertainty or even a loss of direction?

Like many, I was impacted by restructuring and downsizing in 2023, and when I left my corporate job, I had full intentions of finding another corporate position. I started working with an Executive Coach to get ready for the next phase of my career and realized during that process I didn’t want to go back to corporate. 

In considering all the things I had done and the parts of my roles I had most enjoyed, I realized that I felt most fulfilled when developing people. I also recognized that during my leadership experience of coaching and mentoring people, there were some common obstacles for those of us who were first-generation white-collar professionals. I knew what kind of impact I had been able to have within the corporate environment and thought I could help people at scale.

Entering new phases of life can often feel daunting, as this transition can occur at any stage and be triggered by a variety of events, some of which we choose, while others are thrust upon us. For women over 50, this period may involve launching children into the world, achieving career milestones without feeling fulfilled, experiencing physical health changes, and caring for aging parents. Such challenges often lead us to reflect on our lives and question what the future holds



Can you share your insights on the common challenges women face when their children leave home, and they enter the next phase of life?


The transition can be subtle, filled with both excitement and unexpected challenges. Many experience an underlying sadness over the irreversible changes and a keen awareness of how fleeting the parenting years are. This period often involves a sense of grief, coupled with worry as you no longer know all the details of or are involved in your children's lives.


For some women, it can also bring a sense of regret, questioning whether they spent too much time on their careers, if they prepared their children adequately for life's challenges, and if they guided them in making the right decisions.


Additionally, the home may feel empty and different when the last child leaves, with a noticeable shift in energy. Despite the business and fatigue of parenting, it is also a lot of fun, and its sudden absence can be jarring. It takes time for the new relationship with your children to evolve into one that works for both parties, balancing offering guidance with allowing them to navigate their own experiences


How do you help women discover their purpose and meaning as they transition into their 50s?


Each woman is unique as she navigates her purpose in life. Some have always known their purpose, while others feel it has changed as they enter a new phase, or it has always been elusive.


If you feel your purpose from the first half of life—whether pursuing a dream career or raising a family—has changed, we can explore your skills, interests, and perhaps dormant dreams. For some women, this can be challenging because they have prioritized others for so long. It's about rediscovering who they are now, as individuals.


If you feel like you never truly knew your purpose, we can explore that as well. I believe that each of us has a specific purpose, which is available for us to discover. While the general idea of "loving and serving others" applies broadly, each person's purpose takes a unique form if we seek it out. Having a well-defined purpose can act as a compass or north star, guiding us into a new chapter. Statistics indicate that people who feel they have a purpose live longer and are healthier.




Can you discuss how you address the emotional aspects of relationship changes and empower women to prioritize their own happiness and well-being?

I love helping women over 50 realize how amazing they truly are. Often, we must debunk cultural messages that bombard us with the notions that we’re too old, it's too late, or we’re no longer attractive. After years of putting everyone else first—spouse, children, career—it can be challenging for women to prioritize themselves. It's essential to carve out time not only to pursue old hobbies or new interests but also to remember who we are as individuals and what we want and need in relationships. 

We work on expressing needs and setting boundaries. For instance, I have a client who wants to work out alone when she gets home, but her partner wants to chat about the day or dinner plans. This phase of life offers more freedom and flexibility, allowing us to focus on our needs and set boundaries. She can simply tell her partner, “I’ll be done here in 30 minutes, let’s discuss it then when I won’t be as distracted.” This shift can be difficult because women often manage most household details, and that expectation persists. However, positive change is possible with the right communication about new roles and expectations.


Life After 50 Leads Many to Desire a Career Change


Retirement often marks a major shift in one's life. How do you assist women in preparing for retirement and finding fulfillment in this new chapter?


I see a wide range of women with diverse desires when it comes to retirement. Some retire early, in their mid-50s, while others plan to work into their 70s. Beyond financial planning, much of retirement preparation revolves around understanding values and purpose. Identifying what you value in life is crucial, whether it's community involvement and staying active, or giving back through volunteering.


It's important to have something meaningful to retire to, beyond just travel or playing golf, especially for what I call the High Achievers—those who have been very active and found significance in their work. Having a plan to slow down gradually rather than stopping altogether is beneficial for just about everyone.


Can you share examples of strategies you use to help women explore new paths in their 50s?


One of the most important strategies is to check in with ourselves regularly. Our thoughts about aging and what our second chapter looks like are crucial. Engaging in thought work—examining how we think about this stage of life, the stories we tell ourselves, and the lies we believe—is key.

Another strategy is to start dreaming again and creating a vision for what we want our lives to look like. For instance, I have a client who created a side business in preparation for retirement. This idea emerged because it would provide her with more flexibility and some cash flow. Initially, this wasn’t her reason for seeking coaching, but it became her focus once she took a moment to think about her future.


Pausing to regroup is much like a NASCAR pit stop. It might seem counterintuitive to slow down for self-reflection and maintenance, but doing so allows us to continue with a clear roadmap of where we want to go.



Linda has worked in both the public and private sector and currently owns and supports various small businesses through coaching and leadership. She holds a BS degree in Therapeutic Recreation, certifications in Transformational Life Coaching and Positive Intelligence, as well as a Brain Health Certification from Dr. Daniel Amen. 


Pridemore Coaching



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